Quick Start

Below is a brief guide to help you quickly get started and start using Linear Admin.

What’s included

The Linear Admin source code includes HTML, tsx, ts, font assets, images and SVG files along with source CSS and documentation. More specifically, it includes the following and more:

  ├── production/
  └── development/
        ├── components/
        │    ├── ui/
        │    │    ├── skeleton.tsx
        │    │    ├── button.tsx
        │    │    ├── radio-group.tsx
        │    │    └── ...
        │    ├── layout/
        │    │    ├── header/
        │    │    ├── content/
        │    │    ├── sidebar/
        │    │    └── ...
        │    ├── page-loader.tsx
        │    ├── not-found.tsx
        │    ├── coming-soon.tsx
        │    └── ...
        ├── app/
        │    ├── e-commerce/
        │    ├── crm/
        │    ├── analytics/
        │    ├── project-management/
        │    ├── .../
        │    ├── globals.css
        │    ├── layout.tsx
        │    ├── page.tsx
        │    ├── not-found.tsx
        │    └── favicon.ico
        ├── lib/
        ├── contexts/
        ├── public
        ├── tailwind.config.ts
        ├── next-env.d.ts
        ├── next.config.js
        ├── postcss.config.js
        ├── package.json
        ├── components.json
        ├── tsconfig.json
        └── ...


Make sure to install the latest version of Node.js and NPM before you start. You can download Node.js from https://nodejs.org/en/download/.

  1. Go to the project directory
    cd [project-folder]
  2. Install dependencies
    npm install
  3. Builds and serve the template
    npm run dev

Now you can preview the template using the localhost URL http://localhost:3000.

Build and Deployement

A production build can be created using the command below for deployement. This command must be executed within the project directory.

npm run build

After executing the command, the source files will be compiled and stored in the /.next directory. When the build process finishes, it’s important to transfer all the files and directories from /.next to your web server.